Saturday, January 31, 2009

Christmas card pic attempts!!!

I managed to take alot of pics the night I was trying to get a Christmas card picture. Here are SOME of them and then just a few pics...enjoy!

Cute if Holly would have been looking..

What a handsome guy..

I love this pic to bad Sara did not want to be in it :)

Another one Sara dissapears

Now Sara is justed not real happy looks like she is mad at Holly but she was just turning away for me and the camera!!


Some of you know that Haley got her front tooth broken off in a accident at school in this pic it is visible And I am happy to report it is now fixed and she has a beautiful smile once again!!!

Hugs from sisters are the BEST!

Showing off...her broken tooth and adorable smile :)

Chirstmas 2008 a little late..:)

Just a few of the presents
Sara and fun with the paper.

Haley looking like a princess/diva.

Anut Abby dancing the day away with her sweet nieces!!

Cedric loves having his pic taken!!! And Grandpa Sam is looking good!!

And I know the same pic again....I did not feel like removing it.:)

Christmas 2008...a little late :)

Holly and her new baby carrier

Sara was more intrested in the paper than anything!!

Sara and her horse...bigger than her she loves it

Miss Haley feeding her new baby a bottle...

Had to add this pic to embarass my sissy...she did such a wonderful job decorating this ONE cookie :) Love you Abby!!!!

Snow much fun......

Daddy giving the kiddos a ride....

Cedric and his Sparkles

Snow much fun...

Girls being silly...

Sara and her babies....

Make-up and hugs..

Playing doctor and I don't know how they learned it since we NEVER go there.:)

Can you guess who did her makeup.....Holly :)

Girls being silly...

This is my version of "Super bowl"
Holly and Haley playing dress up

This is Holly and her make-up face (can you tell she doesn't get to watch anyone put makeup on since mom doesn't wear much:))

And Miss Holly's favorite color....RED

Trying on daddys hat Little Miss Sara loves hats...of any kind :)