Sunday, February 24, 2008


Ouch Holly you got me!

Ha Ha Cedric Holly is getting you back! Spank!
This is Holly's beautiful picture. She loves to draw and color maybe I have a future artist !:)

Loving the snow (the dog is)

Sparkles thinks she is the big dog in town taking care of this bird but really she was only entertaining herself and Holly as she watched out the window!
Just a view from my back door I hate the snow I am ready for SPRING!
This was the full moon on the night of the eclipse.

Bath Time!

This little girl cracks me up she cries when you first put her in the bath(sink-don't look at the rust:)) She then has an absolute blast and does not want to get out!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Valentines Day (a few days late)!!

Haley really enjoyed looking at her Valentine cards Holly even put them in an Easter basket for her what a sweetie!!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

This is what I get:)

Cedric HATES having his picture taken (he may hurt me if he sees this:))

This was to much fun he just loves his momma taking his pic :)!!

Little bunny

Seeing double :)

I know its not Easter yet but ain't I the cutest!!!

Sara loves her walker