Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My special flowers

We invited my mom and dad over on sunday night to tell them our good news that we are expecting. They didn't know that was why we invited them and mom came with this beautiful bouquet of flowers for me and didnt even know they were just the right thing to bring and I love them they really brighten my day
Thanks Dad and Mom Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Hollys boring day

I think Holly will be very happy to have a baby to play with rather than a few puppies she is such a dork (remember I LOVE dorks=))

haley after

This is a pic of Haley after we went trick or treating as you can see she still has a little makeup on her face and candy on her mouth she had a blast.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sleepy girls

We planned on going Trick or Treating on Friday night but as you can see the girls had other plans so we went Saturday afternoon=)

Trick or Treat

Happy Halloween to all we had fun trick or treating today!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Holly's pumpkin

Miss hollys pumpkin she had help carving it and she actually cleaned out some of the insides herself which is alot for her cause she hates messes the towel got used alot by her!!!

Haleys pumpkin

Miss Haleys pumpkin she had a little help in the carving but she loved taking out the insides all by herself!!!

cedric's masterpiece

This is Cedric's pumpkin he decided it did not need a nose
He carved it all by himself!!

Pumpkin carving time

Gee isn't this fun actually it was

Holly and Megan

This is a pic of Holly and her cousin Megan having a good old time at the wedding They are such good friends and little sweethearts!!!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Dance Haley dance

Haley had so much fun dancing at the wedding she didnt even want to stop and eat and as most of you know Haley loves to eat but I think her new found favorite is dancing!!!!!!!!!!!!

You mean this chair

Shortly after the pictures were done and the photographer was tearing things down little miss haley climed up in the chair for more pics the funny thing is we had trouble getting her to sit still for the other pictures

Miss Holly the dancer

Holly is such a camera lover but only if mommy is taking the picture
Shortly after this one was taken Grandma Helen tried to get a picture with all the grandkids and Holly cried and threw a fit for the photographer

Joe and Amber

this is joe and his niece he is also her godfather
the picture was taken this weekend at a wedding

Saturday, October 21, 2006


This is our Blue Heeler (the dog) Miss Isabella the mommy of the seven cute puppies

cedric and heifer

Cedric and his hefier gettting in some quality time

Look at me

This morning we brought the puppies in the house and Haley picked her favorite one and had to show it to daddy she was so proud
Nevermind the morning bed hed she is still sweet

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Holly and Daddy

I just think this is to cute not to post someday Holly will not be the baby anymore and won't be able to crawl up on daddys lap and snuggle into a peaceful sleep=)


Somebody loves puppies

Hollys new found friends

Holly has found something fun to do while Cedric and Haley are at school
There are 7 puppies total 4 boys and 3 girls if anyone is intrested in one let me know

Miss Haley helping daddy

It may be hard to see but Haley is in the skid loader helping her daddy one of her favorite things to do

Flower girl

She is such a dork But remember I love dorks


This is my niece she is such a cutie

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Mom,grandpa Pete,Dave,and Terry

Thought mom might want to see this pic

grain bins

Little did you know there is a small bin hiding in the big one sneaky aren't we


Sisters are WONDERFUL

John Deere Frog

This pic explains itself
my son has a thing for frogs and John Deere
too bad this isnt a real loader tractor


Holly is really a camera ham she loves to take pictures


This is Holly at her best sand all over her face and still smiling

Cedric and his frog

Cedric caught this frog when he was mowing around our shop We like to joke around and call it the Huge Organic frog